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Rule 12 - No console/setup/game copy photos Rule 9 - No self-promotion of social media, Twitch, etc.

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Rule 8 - No low-effort/low-quality posts or common occurrences. Rule 7 - Unreleased event items that haven't been officially shown must be spoiler tagged. Rule 6 - Dream Addresses must accompany a picture of your island. Rule 5 - Keep Friend/Dodo Codes in the code sharing thread. Rule 4 - Keep AC:NH questions in the pinned megathread. Rule 3 - No in-game buying, selling, trading, giveaway or turnip posts. Rule 2 - All content must be directly related to Animal Crossing

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Rule 1 - Don't be a jerk and keep it safe for work. Q&A/Tips Megathread | Code Sharing Megathread

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